Thursday, July 25, 2013

Time To Stock The Shelves With School Supplies

During the 2012-2013 school year, teachers spent an estimated $1.6 billion on classroom supplies, a national average of about $485 per teacher, according to a recent report produced by the school supply industry trade group National School Supply and Equipment Association. Many teachers will go into their own pockets again this summer to ensure all their students have the resources they need when they start school in August.

You can help.

Monday, July 15, 2013

STEM Fellows Connects Teachers With Major Industry

Southwest High School science teachers Janis McDonald and
Jim Von Steen look on as their mentor, Dr. Cheryl Beste,
a Syngenta analyst, discusses the procedure they're about to conduct. 
Guilford Education Alliance welcomed the STEM Fellows class of 2013 earlier this month. STEM Fellows is a three week program designed to provide the opportunity for Guilford County Schools’ teachers in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) to work in a STEM industry to experience real-world applications of their subject matter. With this experience, they will be able to make their classroom lessons more relevant for their students.